(Kopie 1)
Europäisches Haus Pappenheim
Stadt Pappenheim
Marktplatz 1
91788 Pappenheim
Tel. ++49 / 9143 / 606-61
The town council of Pappenheim has decided on 25 Feb 2016 to close the EHP on 30 Apr 2016. If you are interested in the offers we have developed so far, you can contact Prof. Dr. Joachim Grzega at joachim.grzega(at)ku.de. For all other questions concerning the EHP please contact the Mayor of Pappenheim, Uwe Sinn, under 09143/606-15.
See also the section "Research" (left column).
EHP Essays
2013 Europe Day Essay by Joachim Grzega (in German+English)
Essay on the End of 2015, by Joachim Grzega: "More Balance for More Peace--in Language and Economy"
Texts around our Events
Text by Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Franz Josef Radermacher (Event on 29 May 2013):
Link to Prof. Dr. Heiner Flassbeck (Event on 26 April 2013):
Presentation by MdB Josef Göppel (Event on 29 July 2014):
Teaching Material
- Basic Global English - teaching material
- for self-teaching (basic book Welcome to the World! - available for free here - and Welcome to the World! Deutsche Begleitmaterialien via booktrade and an audio CD via the EHP or ASEcoLi)
- for adult courses (Welcome, Global Players! - version for learner groups of German mother-tongue available for free here)
- for primary schools (Hello World! Kids Material - available for free here - and Hello World! Teacher Material - via booktrade)
- Language Emergency Doctor: Teaching German to beginners (for migrants and refugees); age group 10-15 yrs 8 EUR per copy, age group 16+ yrs 10 EUR per copy